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  • Always treat your firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Firearms should always be unloaded when not in use.
  • Store your firearms in a locked cabinet, 安全, gun vault or storage case when not in use, 确保它们位于儿童无法进入的地方,未经您的允许,任何人都不能处理它们
  • 使用枪锁作为额外的安全预防措施(但不能代替安全存储).
  • 把你的弹药和枪支放在不同的地方.
  • 确保家里所有的孩子都明白有关枪支安全的指导方针. Have them sign the Project ChildSafe Pledge 对年轻人来说,这是一个提醒,如果他们在自己家里或邻居家里发现无人看管的枪支,不要碰它, 告诉一个成年人.
  • 从靶场打猎或射击回来后,立即确保你的枪没有上膛, 然后把你的枪清理干净,放在安全的储存区域.
  • Educate everyone in your family about firearm 安全ty.
  • 参观 Project ChildSafe website 了解安全信息,并找出在您所在地区哪里可以获得免费的枪支安全工具包. 


作为一个枪支拥有者,你有责任在任何时候控制它,即使在旅行中.  锁上车门可能不被认为是足够的枪支安全措施.  Here are some tips for traveling with a firearm. 

  • Unload your firearm prior to entering your vehicle.  Perform a double check of this.
  • 准确地知道你的枪管在任何时候都指向哪里.  Control of the direction the barrel is pointing.
  • Store your firearm in a lockable gun case while traveling.
  • 有许多不同类型的可上锁的枪支保险柜,适合在车辆提供安全,也允许非常快速地访问你的枪.
  • Secure the lock box to the vehicle when possible.
  • 永远不要让孩子在车辆的一个区域,让他们接触到枪支.
  • Keep firearms and ammunition out of sight.

In the field/at the range:

  • Always treat your firearm as if it were loaded.
  • 只有当你在野外或靶场或射击区域时,枪支才应该上膛, 准备射击. 
  • 永远不要用枪指着任何你不打算射击或摧毁的东西. Be particularly careful when loading or unloading a firearm.
  • 除非你真的想开枪,否则不要碰枪的扳机.
  • Unload your gun as soon as you are finished shooting.
  • 准确地知道你的枪管在任何时候都指向哪里.  控制枪管指向的方向,即使你失去了平衡.
  • Never walk through or climb over a fence with a loaded gun.
  • 不要认为枪支不会开火,因为保险是开着的.  这是可能的枪可以在任何时候,甚至在稍后的时间,当你释放保险, without even touching the trigger.
  • 永远把枪口对准安全的方向(子弹不能击中任何人或任何东西的方向).)
  • The 安全 direction may be “up” or at times “down”, but never at anyone or anything not intended as a target
  • When shooting wear ear and eye protection.
  • Exposure to shooting noise can damage hearing.  Shooting glasses also provide needed protection to your eyes. 
  • 永远不要携带或将上膛的枪放入鞘、未佩戴的枪套或枪盒中.
  • Use the correct ammunition for your firearm.
  • 在你准备好射击之前,把你的手指放在扳机护套外面
  • Always be sure of what your target is.  Know what is in front of it and what is behind it.
  • 有时,扣动扳机时枪弹可能不会发射. If this occurs, keep the muzzle pointed in a 安全 direction. Keep your face away from the breech. 不要在30秒内打开动作-或者-在打开动作前等待30秒. (当动作打开时,可能会发生伤害,而失火却变成了吊火。). 然后,小心地打开动作,卸下枪支,并以安全的方式处理弹药. 


  • Always treat your firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Firearms should always be unloaded when not in use.
  • Always keep actions open when not using the firearm.
  • 你唯一能绝对确定枪不能开火的时候是在开火的时候,而且枪里是空的.
  • 准确地知道你的枪管在任何时候都指向哪里.  Control of the direction the barrel is pointing.
  • 了解你正在使用的枪支的机械和操作特性
  • 你应该经常阅读和参考你收到的枪支说明书, or if you have misplaced the manual, simply contact the manufacturer for a free copy.
  • Know how to field strip your firearm. 清洁枪支时,千万不要让弹药在场.. Most cleaning solvents are hazardous. 请确保存放在儿童和未经授权人员接触不到的地方. Use only cotton material/rags and dispose of immediately. 为了尽量减少铅的吸收,在处理后一定要用冷肥皂水清洗, shooting or cleaning a firearm.
  • 请确保您的枪支存放在儿童和未经授权的人接触不到的地方.


Having a gun in your possession is a great responsibility. 你必须知道如何安全地使用、处理和储存你的枪支. 在不了解枪支的特性和安全使用方法之前,不要使用任何枪支.


Reference: National Shooting Sports Foundation